Ep.812: Has Your Focus Changed Enough?
New patch/old garment, new wine/old skins
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Theme Scripture: Luke 5:37
Sometimes change is in order. Sometimes it becomes evident that the path we are currently following is not leading us in the best direction and a decision is required to alter not only our direction, but our thinking as well. This is what we are faced with when we profess Christianity. This profession requires us to observe, perceive and follow through on a different life. So, are you ready for that?
So where’s the picture of Ric and Jonathan in the 70’s (or was it the 60’s)? Are you intimating you weren’t there by not having a picture?
Oh, they were both definitely there! This program did not have corresponding photos, but other CQ Rewind transcripts do. For example, you can check out the Rewind for the 2/13/2011 program called “What About Love and Marriage” to see a few of Rick’s wedding pictures. Check out that mustache! 🙂 -Christian Questions
Great Photos… but I’m lookin’ at the hair!! Was that natural or did he have to get a perm? (I’m not judging! Men got perms in those days… My Dad’s was the best “Tom Jones” you ever saw!)