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January 08, 2012

Ep.691: Does God Play Favorites? (Part I)

God’s favoritism in the Old Testament and why

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Play Part II

Theme Scripture: Proverbs 21:2-3

(Part 1 of a 2-part series) We all have our favorites. Favorite colors, seasons, sports, teams, foods. Sometimes we have favorite people, places and things. We may have a favorite chair, movie or song or a favorite saying, website or group. When you think about it, our “favorites” can really dominate our lives. Do you schedule your time around your favorite TV show? Do you get especially quiet when your favorite song comes on? Do you have a favorite early morning Christian Talk Show?  Yes, our favorites are important and that leads us to an important question: Does God have and does God play favorites? If He does, does this mean there is there some level of inequity in His plan? Stay with us as we look into God, favoritism and the human race.

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