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August 11, 2013

Ep.774: What Are You Happy About?

Jesus' happiness teachings in the Beatitudes

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Theme Scripture: Matthew 5:11

A few weeks ago we talked about worry, what it is, how it works, and most importantly, how to work through it. Well, today we thought we should look at worry's opposite, happiness! What makes us happy? Is happiness elusive? Are there different kinds of happiness? How, where, when and why do we find happiness? What about the Bible? Does it tell us to be happy and does it tell us how to be happy?

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2 replies
  1. V Widgren
    V Widgren says:

    On today’s program, you ended with the most beautiful song by an artist that I thought had the name of daisy. Can you tell me what the name of the song was and the artist, please? Thanks so much. I love your program.


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