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October 12, 2014

Ep.835: Do We Take God’s Name in Vain?

Defining "taking God's name in vain" and how to avoid it

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Theme Scripture: Exodus 20:7

"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." It is one of the Ten Commandments, so it must be important. But, what does it really mean? Is it just about the words we use or is there more to it than that? Can our thoughts and actions also be a manifestation of taking God’s name in vain? What is the end result of carelessly handling God’s name? How do we become more aware of ourselves so we hold the name of God with reverence, honor and respect?

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1 reply
  1. Debbie Atkinson
    Debbie Atkinson says:

    Wow! What an reverence-inspiring program. Makes me afraid to take on the name of Christ now… I’m so terribly imperfect that I’m bound to mess up and carry His name in vain at some point. Thank the Almighty for our beloved mediator who stands between us and the awesome majesty of our God!


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