We have not found any scriptures that would encourage a religious exemption from vaccines. In addition, there are no scriptures forbidding a vaccination. The COVID-19 vaccine helps people to fight the virus that has already killed between 3 million to 6 million people worldwide. The Bible encourages people to care for their health.
God provided many of the Laws in the Law Covenant to help keep His children healthy. For example, if a person had leprosy, they were quarantined from the rest of the nation so that the disease would not spread. Leviticus 13:14, “…the priest shall shut up the diseased person for seven days”. (Read Leviticus 13 and 14 for all the laws to protect the nation from the spread of leprosy.)
Mankind is blessed to have knowledge that helps us make vaccines. Daniel 12:4 (RSV), teaches that in “the time of the end…knowledge shall increase.” Medical advances due to the increase of knowledge have lessened our suffering.
This is a great blessing from God – not a sin. Without the COVID-19 vaccine, many more people will die. For example, when the Black Death spread through parts of Africa, Europe, and Asia from 1346 to 1353, it caused the death of 75 million to 200 million people. There was no vaccine. It killed at least 30% and up to 60% of the European population.
The COVID-19 vaccine can reduce mankind’s suffering and death. While it is not a perfect solution, it is still a blessing. You may not like the idea of the vaccine or may not want it because of principle. Please consider this: As Christians, our lives are supposed to be about service and sacrifice, reflecting. Jesus’ own thoughts, words and deeds. Isn’t the highest principle here that of serving others with love? Didn’t Jesus do that, even for his enemies?
Lots of people are afraid and insecure because of COVID. What if your being vaccinated could reduce someone’s irrational fear? What if you doing what you might not necessarily like, could be a witness to those around you of the love of Jesus? Getting vaccinated is an act of compassion for your fellow man, because this is not about ourselves, it is about others.
Please consider this perspective carefully. If you have medical issues, please consult your doctor and make appropriate choices. It’s a very scared and insecure world out there. We want to do our best to bring clarity, compassion and contribution to it as disciples of Christ.
To learn more about how COVID-19 has impacted our Christianity listen to, “Is Your COVID-19 Christianity Still Being Tested?”